- February 17, 2025
- Ken Knoechel
- No Comments
The Corporation of You
Imagine for a moment your life as a wonderful company, a complex and dynamic organization designed for a higher purpose. Each department in this company, every employee, and every decision made inevitably impacts the overall success of the company. Every company needs a leader. You are the leader, the CEO of this corporation. Without clear direction within the corporate structure, chaos reigns, employees become careless and unmotivated, and progress starts moving like molasses.
Now, let’s step inside your corporate headquarters. At the very top sits the Owner and Designer: God. He is the architect of your life, the One who holds the blueprint of you. He created the company of you with a specific purpose in mind, a grand design that ensures you can successfully achieve that purpose when His plan is followed. You can be in connection with God’s plan! He is the visionary, the One who can conceptualize the bigger picture beyond daily operations.
And then, there’s you—the CEO of your company. You are able to hold the authority for making the tough decisions. You are able to maintain the responsibility of creating the direction of the company. Your duty is to lead, and you can do this with poise and dignity. But leadership is not about working alone. Just as in any thriving business, you have management and employees working under you.
Beneath your conscious awareness operates your subconscious mind—your plant manager. It implements policy and delivers directives that you provide, ensuring that the company runs accordingly. It doesn’t question your orders; it simply executes them. This means that if you begin making poor decisions, some employees are affected more than others.
Here is the big question: Are you able to lead your company effectively, or are you losing control of your life?
Can you make faith-based choices that align with the purpose for which your company was designed, or is your subconscious passively allowing your disruptive emotions to keep running fear-based programs?
Are your emotions working for you, or are they working against you?
Are you following God’s business model, or are you allowing your life to slip into spiritual bankruptcy?
In this journey, you can learn how to align your subconscious mind with God, how to regulate and condition your emotions like a skilled CEO, and develop vulnerable resilience—the kind of spiritual leadership that brings true peace, power, and purpose.
When your life is in connection with God’s plan, everything changes. You can operate a company that thrives. You can become clear in your decisions. Your emotions can begin producing desirable outcomes when you have a clear, caring, and responsive relationship with your plant manager. The wonderful relationship you have with your plant manager will be projected onto the entire corporate culture.
And most importantly? You can step into the role you are meant to fulfill.
Understand the Corporate Structure of Your Life by Trusting God’s Guidance
Every successful organization operates under a well-defined structure, with clear leadership, delegated authority, and an efficient chain of command. Your life is no different. To operate effectively, you must understand your role, the role of your subconscious, and recognize the authority that is able to govern all: The Wonderful Creator God!
Trusting God’s Guidance as the Wonderful Creator
A company without a visionary leader will eventually collapse. When you begin trusting God’s guidance, you can begin recognizing Him as the Creator and Master Designer; the Great Architect of your life. You can begin trusting in God’s time to develop blessing in your life. He holds the master blueprint, the Designer of the quantum matrix you are moving through. When you are in connection with God’s plan, you will begin to understand that He knows exactly how your company can function for maximal success.
- Your prosperity depends on how you align your self with His vision. Prosperity stretches to every area of your life, not just financial prosperity. When you are seeking God’s guidance daily, you can be assured that your life is following the most successful business model. Straying from God’s plan results in confusion, instability, and mismanagement.
- When you trust God’s time, He sets the mission. You can execute the mission with precision by creating and implementing policy. Your life’s purpose is not self-generated. Just as an employee doesn’t dictate the company’s direction, you can’t reinvent the wheel by allowing your self to make emotion-based decisions. Your success can be achieved by submitting to His wisdom, His leadership.
- Ignoring the Owner’s guidance leads to dysfunction. A company CEO that is disconnected from its Owner and ignores the fundamental framework will inevitably destabilize the company culture. When you disregard living in accordance with God’s will, your decisions become reactionary rather than strategic.
You as the CEO
As the CEO of your life, you have the power to direct your actions, manage your emotions, and choose how you respond to life’s challenges. However, this authority comes with responsibility:
- You are accountable for every decision you make. You must make the daily choices that bring closer to living in accordance with God’s will.
- Your conscious mind directs the subconscious. Just as a CEO’s instructions filter down through management, your conscious thoughts dictate how your subconscious mind operates.
- If you make poor choices with how you treat yourself or anyone else, you will begin to constantly entertain fear and negativity. Your subconscious will assume those are the standard operating procedures.
- You must lead with wisdom, not impulse. When trusting God to guide you, you will avoid rash decisions based on fleeting emotions. If you commit to trusting God’s guidance, you be able to assess, plan, and execute with clarity.
When your heart and mind are self-disciplined, your actions can be aligned with purpose.
Your Subconscious as the Plant Manager
Your subconscious mind is like a plant manager: running the systems, emotions, and processes that keep your life functioning. It does not think independently, it can’t think, your subconscious mind only feels; it can only act on the instruction you give it.
- The subconscious does not have the ability to create—it only executes patterned processes. If you repeatedly dwell on fear, anxiety, or failure, your subconscious automates those responses and projects them onto every undertaking that you choose to endeavor. It assumes this is how your company operates.
- The subconscious manages emotions, habits, and automatic reflexes. Your subconscious is in charge of everything that happens below the surface. How you choose to react to stress consciously creates habitual thought patterns that are galvanized beneath the surface into the subconscious: “For as he [consciously] thinks in his [subconscious], so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7) Your heart is your subconscious.
- The subconscious follows the repeated directives of the conscious mind. You can intentionally reprogram your thought life with faith-based decision making, and your subconscious will automatically follow your lead and align itself accordingly. This is why seeking God’s guidance daily is essential for renewing your mind daily.
A well-run life does not allow chaos to reign within it. If your subconscious has become hysterical with confusion, you have consciously been giving it passive and inconsistent directives. When your conscious and subconscious are in harmony, your emotions, decisions, and responses will naturally fall into place. However, if you refuse to assert your conscious role, your subconscious will reflexively run on survival focused, fear-based programming, and your emotions will take control.
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) When you passively let your natural heart lead, you are choosing to allow fear to dictate your choices. When you begin trusting God to guide you, He will give you a heart transplant. You can be assured that your heart will be transformed when it is put into connection with God’s plan for your life.
The Role of Emotions as Employees
When you look at any company, you will notice how employees play a crucial role in productivity, morale, and overall success. When properly managed, they can contribute to growth and overall success of the company. But when left unchecked, they can become disruptive, unmotivated, or even rebellious.
Your emotions are the employees of your company: Self, Inc. They are not in charge; they are meant to serve a purpose and operate in specific capacities. How you manage them determines whether they become assets or liabilities.
Emotions Are Not the Boss—They Are Designed to Take Direction
Many people live as though their emotions run the company, allowing excitement, elation, passion, fear, anxiety, or anger to dictate their actions. But emotions were never meant to lead; they were created to respond to your conscious leadership that is in connection with God’s plan for your life.
- Emotions are designed to follow your orders. Whether it’s peace or panic, joy or despair, your emotions respond to how you interact with them.
- Mismanaged emotions create chaos. When emotions are not acknowledged and validated, they tend to rebel and takeover decision-making, leading to irrational behavior.
- When you properly interact with your emotions, they will enhance performance. Cultivating a good relationship with your self will help you understand how to interact with your emotions.
Your emotions are instrumental when they work within the role for which they were created. They work for you, not the other way around. You can begin trusting God to guide you, and He will show you how to manage your emotions competently.
Discipling Your Emotions for Optimal Performance
Emotions, like employees, require training and direction to function at their highest potential. Left alone to passively grow, they will implode your company into fearful reflections of this world. But when able to discipline, or disciple, your emotions, they can be powerful allies. Here are some things you can think about as you begin interacting with your emotions:
- Align emotions into connection with God’s plan for peace and clarity. You are able to submit your emotions to God’s authority. When you do this, they will begin reflecting your unique authenticity, not fear.
- When you begin trusting in God’s time and following Christ on the path you have chosen to go in life, He can disciple you and instruct the steps that will produce the most desirable outcomes. Likewise, while seeking God’s guidance daily, you can learn to disciple your emotions and they will produce desirable outcomes as well.
- Self-discipline is key. The Fruit of the Spirit includes self-control. Your self is your subconscious. You have the authority to consciously lead your subconscious!
- Replace fear-based reflexes with intentional and deliberate responses. Trusting God to guide you, know with confidence that you are able to exhibit peace over panic, faith over fear, and love over resentment with power that transforms your internal culture.
Just as a company needs strong leadership to keep employees motivated and productive, you can actively disciple your emotions, so they can serve the purpose for which they were designed. Realize this now; when your emotional workforce is properly managed, your company can run smoothly.
Aligning Your Subconscious Mind in Connection with God’s Plan
As we have discussed, your subconscious mind is the plant manager of your internal company. It is responsible for executing everything you have programmed into it. The subconscious does not think for itself; it simply follows the directives you consciously give it, so that it can unconsciously reproduce them for you.
This means that if your subconscious has been conditioned by fear from negative past experiences, it will continue to operate under those assumptions unless you actively choose to retrain it.
Aligning your subconscious mind in connection with God’s plan for your life is one of the most powerful things you can do to transform your life.
Your Subconscious Mind Only Acts on What You Feed It
The subconscious mind does not create—it only executes patterns that have been embedded in it. It is like a computer running on whatever software has been installed over the years. If the input has been negative, fearful, or self-defeating, it will continue to produce those same results. Below are some mechanics of how the subconscious operates:
- If you constantly entertain anxiety, your subconscious will default to anxiety and produce anxiety. It assumes that’s how the company is meant to function.
- To establish new policy within your self, you can reinforce a resilient, calm resolve by being in connection with God’s plan. Your subconscious will begin to align with more mindful and intentional responses.
- Your subconscious is designed to follow orders, so what you consistently believe and focus on will shape your default reactions. This is why seeking God’s guidance daily is a vital
- Negative thought patterns can be rewritten. If your subconscious has been programmed to respond to your beliefs of fear, doubt, or avoidance, you must override your conditioned reflexive impulses by believing what is true, that God will protect and provide. Relaxing into trusting God to guide you will change your life.
Your subconscious is powerful, but it is also neutral—it simply follows the patterns you allow.
Connection With God’s Plan Through Faith and Visualization
Just as companies must periodically restructure to remain competitive, your subconscious must be intentionally retrained to align with the Owner’s vision.
- Walking by faith means overriding negative automatic responses. Your subconscious will default to what it knows, but faith requires stepping into the unknown, stepping into uncertainty. “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). When you are following Christ, you can relax into trusting God’s time and not be subdued by your senses and impulsiveness.
- Jesus modeled “vulnerable resilience.” In Gethsemane, He felt the struggle but ultimately submitted to His Father’s will, despite the pain of knowing what was before Him. In trusting God’s guidance, He chose obedience despite His emotions and demonstrated the power of surrendering to a greater plan.
- Visualizing a calm, deliberate response when your body is screaming to do the opposite will condition the subconscious into resilience. Interestingly enough, when you are anxiously aroused, the precipitating choice for how you behave or communicate will be deeply imprinted straight into your subconscious mind. Systemic arousal greases the pathway into the subconscious mind to easily accept and deeply impress how you choose to respond.
- Just as athletes mentally rehearse victory before competing, you must train your mind to see yourself responding with competence, resilience, and self-discipline, even in challenging situations.
Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality. The more you consciously envision calm and deliberate responses, the more your subconscious will accept them as normal. When you are trusting God to guide you, your subconscious is tuned into way of operating. When you are trusting God’s guidance, your emotions can stabilize, your decisions are able to become clearer, and your life can begin operating in well-ordered patterns.
The Power of Vulnerable Resilience
In today’s world, resilience is often misunderstood. People associate it with toughness, standing their ground, or pushing through difficulties with sheer willpower. But true resilience, the kind that is found in God’s plan, is not about force; it’s about surrender.
This can be seen as vulnerable resilience: the ability to acknowledge your struggles, feel the weight of your emotions, but still choose proper conduct over a fear laced reaction. This is the highest level of emotional and spiritual maturity, and it is exactly what Jesus demonstrated in His most difficult moments. This is also where God is leading you; it is where He is leading all of His children who will follow Him.
What is Vulnerable Resilience?
Resilience is not just about enduring hardships; it’s about living in accordance with God’s will even when it’s painful, knowing the hardship you endure will produce desirable outcomes, even if you don’t notice them.
- Again, Jesus in Gethsemane is the perfect example of vulnerable resilience. He knew what was ahead: the suffering, the betrayal, the pain. His human emotions vied for control. Fear, sorrow, and anguish were fully present. But instead of letting those emotions take control, He surrendered to His Father’s plan.
- Vulnerable resilience is a balance of surrender and strength. It does not mean suppressing emotions or pretending the pain doesn’t exist. It means acknowledging the emotions and the pain in a healthy way, bringing them before God, and choosing to trust Him anyway.
- Vulnerable resilience is powered by God’s strength, not human will. Many people attempt to be strong in their own power, but true endurance comes from walking in faith with God’s purpose rather than going into conflict.
- Resisting the devil is not fighting the devil. As soon as he draws you into conflict, he destabilizes you. “…choose this day whom you will serve…” (Jeremiah 24:15). Choose vulnerable resilience and God will fight for you through the Fruit of the Spirit.
When you understand vulnerable resilience, you stop fighting against what you feel and instead discipline your emotions to serve God’s greater mission.
How to Develop Vulnerable Resilience in Your Life
Building vulnerable resilience requires a shift in mindset. It is not about suppressing emotions—it is about disciplining them through your ability to choose where you focus. Here are some ideas to help you control your focus:
- By staying in connection with God’s plan, you can accept emotional struggles but refuse to be controlled by them. Jesus did not deny His emotions in the garden; He expressed them to God. You can do the same.
- You can lead your emotions instead of letting them lead you. Fear, anxiety, and frustration are natural, but they should not dictate your actions. You can choose how you respond.
- You can trust in the bigger picture. In the moment, pain feels overwhelming. But when you understand that God’s plan extends beyond your current discomfort, you can remain firm in your resolve.
- You are able to engage the Fruit of the Spirit when faced with conflict. If you choose to apply the Fruit of the Spirit, that is God working through you. God is able use this to subdue escalating conflict. Expressing the various Fruit of the Spirit without an inkling of distain will kindly invite the opposition to join you in this way of interacting!
Vulnerable resilience is the key to lasting peace—not because life is easy, but because your faith is stronger than your circumstances. Vulnerable resilience is the ability to surrender fully to God while maintaining a humble poise and dignity in the face of conflict. It is the difference between reacting in fear and choosing trust. When you develop vulnerable resilience, you no longer live at the mercy of your emotions; you lead them with wisdom and faith.
Every thriving company operates under strong leadership, clear vision, and well-disciplined execution. Your life is no different. God is the Owner, the visionary designer of your existence, and you are the CEO, responsible for managing the internal operations: your subconscious mind and emotions.
When your subconscious mind (plant manager) is aligned with God’s design, it efficiently executes the right directives. When your emotions (employees) are properly led, they become assets instead of liabilities. The result? Peace, clarity, and success.
But if this structure is ignored or mismanaged, chaos follows. A company without leadership crumbles, just as a life without divine attunement spirals into confusion, stress, and emotional instability.
The choice is yours: Will you take control of your internal company and align it in connection with God’s plan for your life, or will you let unregulated emotions and subconscious patterns dictate your life?
Your internal company is yours to lead. Lead it well.